Relaxation starts now
During your upcoming stay, your room will feature a smart mattress by Bryte. Scan the QR code on your nightstand and you’ll immediately be able to set your perfect level of comfort from soft to firm - all with no app download required!

Also included with the smart mattress by Bryte is Somnify, an in-room, spa-like experience. Somnify pairs relaxing audio tracks with gentle, massage-like motion in the mattress. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience that’ll be sure to help you unwind, rest, and recharge.

Below is a sampling of Somnify’s most popular tracks, without the bed motion, to help you achieve a little relaxation before your stay and to give you a taste of the pure bliss to come. Enjoy, relax, and don’t forget to scan that QR code to personalize your sleep experience after you check-in to your room!
Allow your bed's motion to aid in the stress relief provided by this guided breathing exercise.
Experience a gentle, rocking motion paired with the sooting sounds of a rainstorm off in the distance
Ocean waves rock underneath you as a gorgeous flute melody brings peace and serenity.